● Search basic store information - Contract information inquiry● Transaction history inquiry - Daily/weekly payment completion history, cancellation history● View settlement details - Inquiry of total settlement amount by month/year - Search the total sales amount by adding the total payment amount and total payment cancellation amount - Inquiry of fees and VAT● QR code - Generate merchant payment QR code -Payment by scanning the QR code● Member lookup - Detailed search of all member stores - Sub account registration and deletion - Grant specific privileges for each account● push notification - Payment completion and cancellation - Exhausted limit▶ Required App Permissions Guide for Service Use-Camera: Used to read QR code and barcode information.Notification: We will notify you when payment details and limits are exhausted.▶ Guide to Paylock Customer Center- Phone: 1644-5742 (Weekdays 09:00~18:00)- Email:
[email protected]